If You're Tired Of…

...feeling overworked, underpaid and micro-managed by insurance companies in your therapy practice...and...

  • Not getting paid what you’re worth...

  • Surprise audits, withholds, and waiting for your money...

  • Having to see way too many clients to make ends meet...

  • Trying make sense of confusing & conflicting answers you're told about coverage...

You Are Not Alone

Dear Friend,

You've worked so hard to learn how to treat your clients…

You studied and read until your eyes crossed - through college, grad school and beyond…

You did your time in your internship…

You paid more than your fair share of dues…

And when you're finally ready to step out into the REAL world -

They want you to put in another 3,000 hours before you can even be considered for acceptance onto insurance panels…

Then, when you do finally finish up your 3,000 hours ... more often than not...

You still can’t get accepted into these providers’ little “clubs”

But that's not even the worst part --

Because even if you do meet all their confusing requirements...

Even if you are one of the lucky ones who do get accepted…

Your Never-Ending Battle With Insurance Companies
Will Always Hold You Back
From Building Your Ideal Private Practice...

Their reimbursement rate for your degree level, and the time you have to spend jumping through their hoops...

...can easily have you making less money per hour than if you were working in an agency! And unless you're part of a big group practice or clinic providing a full range of services...

Good luck trying to negotiate your reimbursement rates with these big commercial providers...

You're like David facing Goliath. And you have no rock to sling...

You're forced to accept what they choose to give you, when they choose to give it to you.

But What Can You Do?

My name is Dr. Deb Legge. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Buffalo, NY

Over the past 28 years I've made every mistake you could possibly make when it comes to building a successful therapy practice.

When I was starting out, I couldn't take insurance.

Which gave me 2 choices...

1. Figure out how to get self-pay clients


2. Risk having to walk away from my private practice dreams forever...

The pressure was on...

The mortgage, car payment, and other bills weren't going to pay themselves...

I was a single mother to a teenage son at the time, and THAT is what really
left me with no choice...

I HAD to succeed

Maybe you are in a similar type of pressure cooker. It's hot in there isn't it?

But you can use that fire one of two ways - you can sit still... while the heat slowly rises, and eventually boils you alive...


You can make success the only thing you will accept as your reality from this day forward.

I chose the latter.

And through a lot of trial and error, (and more mistakes than I'd like to admit), I pretty much "cracked the code" on how to bring in private pay clients...

And Now, With Your Permission -

I'd Like To Show You How To Do This Too...

We’ve Been Helping Therapists Grow Successful Private PayPractices for Over 26 Years.

“I had more clients sign up in the last month than a year!”

  • - Dr. Nukembe

The Bottom Line...

Our #1 goal is to help you transform your practice into the successful, thriving business you've always dreamed of. A business where your book is filled with private pay clients...

...where you are finally getting paid the kind of money you deserve
for the incredible work you do…


What You'll Discover

Unlock the ability to fill your book with private pay clients... and stop relying on on insurance providers to control your income

Attract more of your ideal clients in less time... using a simple framework that shows you how to find, and attract them automatically

The secret to developing lifelong referral relationships that provide steady streams of income for months and years to come

A shortcut method that almost instantly positions you as the go-to expert in your market... and spreads your name far and wide


Private Pay Practice Mentors

(that’s what students call us)

Dr. Deb Legge

  • Helping practice owners build successful businesses for over 25 years

  • Founded three successful private and group practices over 29 years

  • Loves to spend time with her husband, kids, grandkids, family & friends

“Having someone with Deb’s experience in private practice guiding you on the path to reaching your goals is not only valuable - it’s essential.”


-Michael Port | Author, Entrepreneur

Brent Stutzman

  • Helped launch over 10 private pay practices in just six years.

  • Proud dad of 3 kiddos, married for 20 years.

  • Owner of Brand Your Practice

  • Digital marketing expert

“Working with Brent was the best decision I've ever made with my business”


-Dr. Kathy Kelly | Syrona Counseling

Private Pay Practice Owner


The Private Pay Practice Program!

The most comprehensive program to create or transition to a private pay practice.

Our Proven 4-Step

Private Pay Process


Phase 1: Clarify (Build your Foundation)

Identify Your Ideal Client & Target Market

Recognize and communicate your value and worth


Phase 2: Customize (Craft your Message)

Formulate a powerful message that allows your people to see you as an irresistible, investable resource

Identify the gatekeepers who can get you in front of your ideal clients


Phase 3: Connect (Increase credibility & trust)

Make connections that make you money

Get more clients in less time with efficient & effective outreach

Leverage the M-1 Strategy to get noticed as a trusted resource in your community


Phase 4: Communicate (Keep in touch)

Leverage our proven set of 'done-for-you' marketing campaigns we call Market Magnets to efficiently maximize your marketing efforts

Build lifelong referral relationships for a steady stream of income

Position yourself as an Expert & go-to referral resource in your market


You Are Going to Get

5+ Hours of Content and everything you need to know to level up your private practice

  • 4 Phases

  • 16 Modules

  • 26 Bite-Sized Lessons

  • Private Pay Scripts & Templates

VALUE: $4,800

12 Months FREE of Bi-Weekly Zoom Implementation Calls

  • Ask all of your questions

  • Get step by step guidance

  • Get feedback and support

  • Take action and get results

VALUE: $6,200

Access to 52 Weeks of Past Zoom Support Calls from our “Elevation” group

  • Watch past conversations about solving unique problems.

  • Discover additional ideas and strategies

  • Get ongoing marketing instruction, templates and programs from Deb, Brent, and other experts in the field

VALUE: $2,300

How to Create a Sales Funnel (Digital Marketing for Practice Owners)

  • How to create a brand message to reach your ideal client

  • How to create a high-converting Psychology Today Profile

  • How to grow an email newsletter

  • How to become the #1 trusted practice in your community

VALUE: $4,700


Get These Bonuses


Private Practice Marketing Kit

The key to getting noticed is to deliver the RIGHT message to the RIGHT people, at the RIGHT time and in the RIGHT way.

This training module will help you to become crystal clear on what to do and say, with proven marketing messages and strategies.

  • Templates and scripts for you to swipe and deploy to save you time and get you started NOW!

  • Strategies you can use over and over again for simplicity and efficiency.

  • Step-by-step instructions for clarity and to help you build confidence in your ability to effectively attract clients and referrals.

VALUE: $997


Private Pay Website Blueprint

A website blueprint that shows you what information and where to put it on your website. This proven website blueprint has generated millions of dollars for clients.

  • Convert private pay clients with our proven website blueprint.

  • An editable, visual layout for easy customization.

  • 30-minute step-by-step video on how to customize the blueprint to your ideal client.

VALUE: $1,997


Private Pay Scripts

Scripts to help you talk comfortably with clients, referrers, and insurance companies.

  • Simple scripts to communicate effectively with insurance companies.

  • Simple scripts to easily communicate with clients about paying out of pocket.

  • Simple scripts to help you transition off of insurance panels.

VALUE: $1,197


Let’s Recap What You’re Getting When You Join Now:

  • Private Pay Practice Program. 5+ hours of content and templates to grow your private pay practice.

(Worth $4800)

  • 12 Months of Zoom Implementation Calls.

    Bi-weekly calls for support from our team and your peers.

(Worth $4800)

  • Access to 52 Weeks of Past Implementation Calls. Cash in on an entire year’s worth of group coaching calls loaded with money making strategies, support, and ideas.

(Worth $2300)

  • Private Pay Marketing Kit. Get started now with these real-life, proven marketing strategies.

(Worth $997)

  • Private Pay Website Blueprint. A video tutorial that shows you how to design a high-converting website to attract your ideal client.

(Worth $1997)

  • Private Pay Scripts. Simple and effective conversations to help you: get more clients, talk to referrers, and transition off insurance panels.

(Worth $1197)

  • Sales Funnel Blueprint. A step-by-step guide to leverage your website as a digital marketing, 24/7 selling machine.

(Worth $4700)

Total Value: $20,791+

For only $2,997!

Private Pay Program, Bi-Weekly Group Coaching, Call Scripts & More!

We are so confident that our program will work for you that if you go through the program and attend the 24 implementation calls and you don't get a single private pay client we will refund your money 100% no questions asked.


See If You’re Ready

A Good Fit If

  • Open to a DEFINITIVE PLAN of action, that once actuated, will be the blueprint for filling your book for the life of your practice

  • Ready to STOP WORKING for insurance companies

  • Willing to CONFIDENTLY DEFINE your value and get paid what you’re worth

  • Ready to challenge and OVERCOME MINDSETS that have kept you from your ideal practice

  • Wanting to FINALLY LEARN the secret to really feeling good about promoting your practice

  • Looking to FILL YOUR BOOK, or fill the books of you employees, supervisees, or others

Not A Good Fit If

  • On the fence about changing or growing your practice

  • Wanting someone else to fill your book

  • Wanting things to change, but unwilling to do anything different

  • Not wanting to put in the extra effort necessary to transition to private pay.

  • Don’t have the time to commit to the course work (about 3 hours per week).

“I have 10x my income already!”

Daniel went from square one to debt free with an ever-increasing caseload… all while raising 3 children.

- Daniel Sokal LCSW ABD

We’ll show you how to get more clients for the life of your practice - whether or not you take insurance

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know this program is for me?

So many hard-working practice owners spend their careers handcuffed by insurance companies because they’re worried  about how and where they’ll get private pay clients.  If you’re determined to stand apart from the crowd, and break free from the golden handcuffs, this program is for you.

What can I really expect from this program?

You’ll complete this program knowing who you are, whom you serve, your value to others and the assets and benefits you bring to your clients and referrers.

You’ll pinpoint how and why you are the best choice for your ideal clients and how to communicate that message to them. You’ll feel confident about where to find your ideal clients and how to get in front of them.

You’ll learn a whole new mindset with regard to reaching out – one that significantly diminishes any hesitations or uncomfortable feelings you may currently have about marketing.

You’ll have a predictable, methodical client-attracting process that you can use throughout your career, whenever you are in need of clients.

You’ll have what it takes to break free from any insurance business that is now getting in the way of your livelihood and/or happiness. You’ll experience the confidence and freedom to create your ideal practice.

How do I know this program will work for me?

This is a proven method that has been used over decades by thousands of clinicians who decided they wanted to call the shots in their practices. It is a simple, straight-forward blueprint that works when you work it.

Make the commitment to follow the blueprint and, like so many others, you’ll have the confidence and skills needed to attract your ideal clients, whether or not you take their insurance..

How do I pay the bills if I’m getting rid of the insurance business?

This does not have to be an “all or nothing” endeavor. Many folks choose where to start (perhaps with a company with low and/or slow reimbursements, too many audits, or one that is just plain difficult to work with) and move forward from there. Once you open up that time in your schedule, you can fill those spots with private pay clients.

Since private pay is often significantly higher than insurance reimbursement, it usually doesn’t take long to make up for (and exceed) the insurance revenue. Some practice owners decide on a hybrid practice (where they keep some favorable insurance business), knowing they now have what it takes to eliminate it if needed in the future.

Ultimately you’ll have much more influence and control over your income once you are deciding where it’s coming from.

How long will it take to complete the program?

The beauty of this program format is that completion time is up to you. We encourage you to take your time with the first (foundational) module as it gives you the edge you need to start getting noticed.

Subsequent modules flow from there. Alternatively, you may choose to complete the program material in a weekend. Either way, you can put what you learn into practice as you move through the training.

How long will it take to get off insurance panels?

Insurance companies vary with regard to their terms for resignation. Most companies require a 60-90 day transition, during which time you can provide options for the affected clients.

You’ll find helpful checklists and scripts in the program that will methodically walk you through the resignation process, and help you talk with your clients and referrers about your decision not to take insurance.

How difficult is it to put the program to work?

This is a step-by-step program that guides you through creating a blueprint personalized for you. You simply listen to the training videos/audios, utilize the samples and handouts and scripts included with the training, and follow the directions for putting all to work for you in your practice.

As a bonus, you’ll get two month’s of IMPLEMENTATION calls to ask questions and get coached on strategically making the program work for you. You’re not alone, so it never has to feel scary or overwhelming.

How will I tell my clients that I’m not taking their insurance anymore?

Most people struggle with this because they don’t know what to say. The scripts included in the training will help you have effective conversations with your clients. The blueprint will help you build confidence in your business decision and give you peace of mind knowing that you’re able to attract more private pay clients when needed. It’s all right there for you in the program.

I’m busy with clients.  Will I have time to do all of this?

We know that your livelihood is based on your time with clients. We’re also sensitive to the fact that you didn’t go to school to become a professional marketer. This program is intuitive (especially for therapists), easy to follow, and efficient.

You don’t need hundreds of private pay clients RIGHT NOW! You’ll have what it takes to get what you need now and, in that process, to grow referral relationships that will last a lifetime.